Osseo Integration

Osseo integration

Have you ever thought that once implant is inserted to the bone then what changes could be seen in the bone? How many days it takes for the changes to appear or will this change affect our treatment or not?

Today we will talk about the basic science in implant on which whole implantology depends. Now, we will talk about OSSEO INTEGRATION.

The word OSSEO INTEGRATION suggests its meaning itself. OSSEO means BONES and INTEGRATE means BECOMING A PART.

When we insert implant in the bones, it develops bones around it due to which implant doesn’t move. But there is no connection between bone and implant. There is a slight gap between bone and implant. We have always tried our best to cover up this space.

So, actually OSSEO INTEGRATION means to develop bones around implant so that it can do its work.

So, let’s start and see how this bone develops around implant.

When we drill in bone for implant then a lot of process starts inside the bone and bone starts repairing osteotomy site which we call as bone healing.


There are three phases of bone healing –

First phase is Inflammatory phase which remains from 1-10 days.

Second phase is Proliferative phase and it remains from 3-42 days.

And third phase is Maturation phase which starts from 28 days.

If you focus then you will know that inflammatory phase and proliferative phase overlaps from 3rdday to 10thday. This is because there is no distinction of these phases and these changes can take place soon in some and late in some.

These stages only give us idea that what we expect on implant site and we can take clinical decision.

Now, let’s go in detail of this process.

As you know that continuous bone deposition and resorption goes on in the bone and maintains a balance.

But when our bone drill makes hole in the bone then this balance becomes bad. A blood vessel which is present in trabecular bone, it is ruptured and implant side becomes full from blood.

After doing Osteotomy we place implant. And this time implant is only mechanically stable. It means implant drill is a little smaller than implant size. Because of this implant becomes tight after going in implant bones and this is called primary stability.

And after this thousand of changes occur in bone and bone implant develops between the threads and implant becomes more stable which we call as secondary stability. This process is known OSSEO INTEGRATION.

Just after bone drill one of the changes that occur that is hemostasis and this starts in few minutes.

Blood comes out from blood vessels and it splits all over. Serum protein implant in blood deposits on surface and platelet deposits on broken blood vessels. Platelets, collagen and other proteins make blood clot and blood loss stops.

Now, these platelets send messenger so that other process of bone healing could start. Like PDGF, Throwboxane, TGF-A, TGF-B.

After this our first stage is inflammatory phase.

Immune cells come inside the implant site whose work is to clean unwanted things like – small bone fragments, oral bacteria which come inside with implant.

Monocytes, leucocytes and macrophage combines together to clean the wounds so that healthy process could start.

Now you should know that inflammatory phase is very important and that is why we should limit anti-inflammatory drugs and we should avoid steroids too. Because we want inflammation for proper integration. 

If you want to load implant then you should do it within 12 hours because in the next phase implant stability will be low.

Next stage is Proliferative phase which lasts from 3rd day to 42nd day.

Fibroblast comes in wound sites and they form a stabilizing matrix with the help of collagen and elastin.

Then, per-vascular cells start angio-generis and new blood vessels are formed on the wound site. After that osteo-cytes activate osteo-clast and osteo-clast is deposited on bone surface and bone starts resorption due to which primary stability decreases.

If implant fails then it fails in this stage only.

Then osteo-blast enters the wound site and new bone formation starts. The bones of this stage are un-mineralized and there is no strength in it. It is also called woven bone.

Next phase is Maturation phase which lasts from 28 days to 1 year.

The soft un-organized bone which was formed in the last phase, now mineralization will start in that and it will be orient perpendicular to implant surface.

It is also called bone remodeling. And osteo blast and osteo clast do it together.

Osteo clast resort the woven bone and osteo blast forms organized lamellar bones slowly. And this process mediates osteo-cytes.

New trabecular bone will be formed in this which will be according to new situation and OSSEO-INTEGRATION will be completed.

So, today we have learnt about Osseo-integration and bone healing.

If you also want to learn dental implant then GDS Academy welcomes you where you are taught to implant on the patient, where problem-solving is taught in actual and where you also lifetime support.


Endodontic Flare Up & Management – Extreme pain & swelling during & after root canal treatment(RCT)

Endodontic Flare Up & Management – Extreme pain & swelling during & after root canal treatment(RCT)

Despite our best efforts sometime patient feel extreme pain or swelling during or after root canal treatment commonly known as flare-ups.The clinician should use proper methods and follow appropriate guidelines to prevent these undesirable episodes


So, why these flare-up occurs?

They can be due to mechanical, chemical or microbial injury

to the pulp or periapical tissues

let’s first look on Mechanical Injury 

It may occur due to :


it is the most common cause of mid treatment flare-ups

2. Incomplete removal of pulp

tissues can also result in pain

3. Periapical extrusion of debris

can lead to periapical inflammation and then to flare-ups.

Second factor is Chemical Injury:-

Injury to the periapical tissues by :


  • Irrigants

  • Periapica medicaments

  • Overextended filling materials


Third one is Microbial Induced Injury

It is considered as most significant factor in flare-ups. Bacterial factor combined with above

causes inter appointment pain. So, question arises what factors at microscopic level lead to those changes which causes flare-ups understanding these mechanism is little boring but don’t worry I will guide you through.

let’s start from alteration of Local Adaptation Syndrome


In case of chronic pulple diseases, the inflammatory lesion is adapted to irritants but during root canal therapy, a new irritant in the form of irrigation and  filling get introduced in the lesion leading to flare-ups.


Next is changes in Periapical Tissue Pressure


When pressure below the root canal increases due to excessive puss it creates pain by causing pressure on nerves. Root canal of such teeth when kept open puss comes out but in teeth with less pressure below root bacteria and other irritants get aspirated into the periapical area leading to pain.


Next one is Microbial Mechanism in the induction of flare-ups


First one is apical extrusion of infected debris:


Extrusion of microbes destroy the balance between microbial aggression and defense leading to acute periapical inflammation.


 Second is changes in the Endodontic Micro Flora or in Environmental Conditions


Incomplete preparation of canal disrupts the balance between the various microbial communities within the root canal system that may favor the overgrowth of dangerous microbes, which can lead to flare-up


Next is Secondary Intraradicular Infection


It means penetration of the new microbes from the saliva into the root canal system during treatment may lead to a secondary infection and can be a cause of flare up.


Next is difficult one Increase of Oxidation-Reduction Potential 


Alteration of oxidation reduction potential in the root canal during treatment may favor the overgrowth of dangerous bacteria that resist of a root canal procedure and lead to flare-ups.


Other two factors are totally theoretical and I too don’t understand them completely


First one is Effect of Chemical Mediators 


Chemical mediators can be in 2 form of Cell Mediators or Plasma Mediators


Cell Mediators include histamine, serotonin,prostaglandins, plateletactivating factor and lysosomal components which may lead to pain.


The Plasma Mediators are present in circulation in inactive form and get activated on coming in contact with

irritants .For example human factor when gets activated after in contact with irritants, produced multiple effects like production of bradykinin and activation of clotting cascade which may cause vascular leakage.


Other one is Changes in Cyclic Nucleotide


cAMP helps in reducing pain by inhibiting mast cell degranulation where as cGMP increases pain by stimulating mast cell degranulation and during flare-up, there is increased level of cGMP over cAMP concentrations.


 let’s move forward from this boring topic to the Management of flare-ups as


As the cause of flare-ups are multiple, many treatment options are there for the prevention and relieving of the symptoms during the root canal therapy.


Management can be divided into 2 


First is Preventive and second is Definitive 


In preventive management first step is Proper Diagnosis before starting RCT ,proper diagnosis of the condition should be made so as to prevent incorrect treatment that may lead to pain or swelling then Determine proper working length inaccurate measurement of the working length may lead to under or

over instrumentation and extrusion of debris, irrigants, medicaments or filling material beyond the epex.

And after that most important step is complete debridement thorough cleaning and shaping of the root canal system may decreases the incidence of flare-up. Maintenance of apical patency and crown-down preparation techniques are two important factors in the management of flare-ups. we can also do occlusal

reduction it is a good pain preventive strategy placement of intra canal medicaments in multi vist root canal treatment calcium hydroxide has been recommended as an intracanal medicament for the prevention or treatment of flare-ups. Next is closed dressing leaving a tooth open for drainage is contraindicated as it can cause contamination from the oral cavity and lead to flare-ups. last one is medications antibiotics are not

indicated in the prevention of flare-ups for healthy patient. Antibiotic should be given only in cases of medically compromised patient at high risk analgesic most commonly used drugs include ibuprofen,diclofenac sodium, ketorolac etc.


 Now move forward to the other management that is Definitive Treatment


First step is drainage through the coronal assess opening


The first happened relieving the pain is to establish the drainage through the root canal when it has not been obturated or poorly obturated. Penetration of the apical foramen with the small files should be done to establish the drainage.


 Next  method is incision and drainage occasionally abscess present in relation to tooth communicates to vestibule. In these cases flare-ups can be managed through a combination of canal instrumentation and incision and drainage.


Proper Instrumentation working length should be re-established apical patency must be obtained and

thorough irrigation should be done.


Next is Trephination when drainage through the canal is not possible due to restorative issues or in cases of certain conditions like failing treatment or necessary correction of procedural accident a surgical  trephination can be used as palliative measure. It involves the surgical perforation of the  alveolar cortical plate over the root end to release the accumulated exudates to release pain.


However it is not the first line of treatment intracanal medicaments use of corticosteroid antibiotic combination as an intracanal medicament has been recommended to reduce pain especially in case of over



 Analgesics and antibiotics for the most patient the saves are sufficient to control pain however if the pain cannot be controlled with  NSAIDs, opoid analgesics can be used to supplement with NSADIs.